The sugar was not known in the antiquity. None of the ancient books mentions it. The prophets only record a few things on the sugar cane, a rare and expensive luxury imported from distant lands. There assumes to the Persian empire the investigation and the development of the process that hardened and refined the juice of the cane, preserving it without fermentation to make his transport and trade possible. This happened soon after the year 600 of our age and began to be used as medicine. In this epoch, a bit of sugar was considered to be a rare and valued drug. They were calling India or honey a salt without bees and small quantities were imported to a great cost. Herodoto knew her as manufactured honey and Plinio as molasses.
During the epoch of Nerón a writer put the name of saccharum. Dioscorides refers to " a species of solid honey so called saccharum, who is in the canes in the India and in the Arabia; it has the consistency of the salt and is creaking ". The name in medieval Latin for a chunk of this precious substance was replaced later in west by that of sugar. The original word in Sanskrit continued always related to salt of India, surviving his transition across the languages of the Arabic empire and of the Latin languages. In fact the Sanskrit khanda there turned into the word candy (candy) into the language Englishman.
The sugar takes place across a chemical process from the juice of cane or of beet, eliminating the whole fiber and the proteins that form 90 % of the above mentioned plants.
In his book Poison in the food, the Dr. Lezner describes the process of extraction of the sugar in the following terms:
The beets are cut in chunks after washing them and then lixivian. To make clean the liquid that contains the sugar, lime is added. At this moment, the alkaline reaction destroys almost all the vitamins. In the liquid mixed with alive lime, carbon dioxide interferes, this way to precipitate the lime. The "saturated" liquid behaves towards the bombs of filtration that separate them the sugary liquid of the impurities. After another treatment with sulfate of calcium, for which the sulphuric acid bleaches it up to making it almost white, the liquid is boiled until it thickens. A centrifugation allows to separate the syrup of the raw sugar called molass, a product that contains a lot of substances that are not own of the sugar.
The molass is in use for preparing a substance similar to the alcohol of being hot and to feed to the cattle. In the refineries, this raw sugar has to transform still in common sugar or of consumption, for which has to happen for several processes more of cleanliness with carbonate of calcium, of whitening with sulphuric acid, of filtration across coal of bones and of boiling up to obtaining the crystals.
The sugar of white color that is sold and consumes commonly, is a refined saccharose. His chemical formula is: C12H22O11.
Mechanism of action and forms of employment
Since it is known, the cerebral functions depend on the levels of glucose. The lack of this cerebral fuel can cause from hypoglycemia up to schizophrenia due to the fact that the brain is "hungry" of glucose. The refined sugar is a simple enough glucose that for the same composition it does not need of a long process of digestion, the liver practically does not have to synthesize it and for the same thing it comes with amazing rapidity to the nervous system.
In order that the organism works in ideal conditions, the quantity of blood glucose must be in balance with the quantity of blood oxygen.
Refiriéndose to the psychic effects of the consumption of the sugar, the Dr. M.O. Bruker, makes clear that the elevation in the normal levels of glucose caused by his ingestion, is experienced as a slight euphoria. The consequences of the return to the normal levels, that is to say, the fall of glucose, it is situated in direct relation with the quantity of sugar consumed. If this one was low, the sensation is of one slight disforia. Between major it has been the quantity, the fall will be nearer to be experiencing as a depressive sensation that William Dufty has given in calling sugar blues (sadness of the sugar).
What normally is in the habit of happening to every person who consumes sugar in daily form, is that his levels of glucose are kept permanently over the regular level, that is to say, rarely a fall will be experienced towards the authentic normality in the levels of glucose. The majority of the world population literally lives under the effects of the sugar without knowing it and without noticing it. This permanent imbalance is being associated with diverse nervous disorders, specially in the children.
Therapeutic uses
None known.
A small spoonful, this is about 100 mg, is enough to cause an elevation in the levels of glucose in sensitive persons. The equivalent one to a cup of sugar 250 mg, can be considered to be already a high dose. There are no reports on lethal doses.
Psychological and physiological effects
As already it was indicated in the mechanisms of action, the ingestion of sugar is in the habit of being experienced as a slight euphoria. In his First Manual of Conscious Nutrition, Laura Urbina explains it in the following terms:
While the glucose is absorbed by the blood, we feel encouraged. A fast stimulus. Nevertheless, to this energetic impulse it follows a depression, when the bottom parts with the level of blood glucose. We are anxious, tired; we need to make an effort to move or even think. Until the level of glucose rises again … we Can be irritable, made a bundle of nerves, altered. The gravity of the double crisis depends on the overdose of glucose. If we continue taking sugar, a new double crisis begins always before the previous one finishing. The accumulative crises at the end of the day can be maddening. After several years with days like that, the final result they are glands adrenales sick, exhausted not for excess of work, but for a constant bustle. The production of hormones, in general, is low. The quantities are not molded. The functional, unbalanced alteration, it is reflected in the whole endocrine circuit. Very soon the brain can be in difficulties to distinguish the royal thing of the unreal thing; we are exposed to precipitates turning, when the stress intervenes in the process, crumble because we do not have already a system endócrino healthily to face any contingency. Day after day we meet a lack of efficiency, always tired, achieve nothing to do, really we suffer " sugar blues " (or depressions of the sugar) … Since in some persons the cerebral cells depend totally on the cup of sugar in the blood in every moment to feed, they are probably the most capable of suffering hurts. The alarming and increasing quantity of neurotic in the world demonstrates it clearly. Not they all come ultimately. Some persons begin with glands adrenales strong; others not. The degrees of abuse of sugar and of melancholy change, nevertheless, the body it does not lie - if sugar takes, they feel the consequences.
Already there are different the specialists who attribute to the sugar the indexes increasingly raised of hyperactive children, the incompetence to learn and diverse allergies. The study of the daily record of the patients diagnosed like schizophrenic they reveal that his diet is excessively high in sugar and other elements that stimulate the production of adrenaline as the caffeine and the alcohol.
As for the physical aspect, it is known that the ingestion continues of sugar provokes the appearance of caries and blackens the teeth. In persons with glands adrenales weak it can affect the pancreas up to causing diabetes. In some cases the continued abuse leads the hipoglicemia.
In healthy persons, it relates also to the increase of weight since the sugar is a carbohydrate and the excess of the same ones turns into fat. One has thought also that on having consumed sugar the body eliminates the calcium in major quantity, in such a way that the organism meets forced to remove it of the bones and the fabrics that are the only parts where the body stores it. The wear of calcium in bones causes that they become porous and fragile, which finally drives to the osteoporosis.
The constant consumption of psychoactive this one also atrophy the performance of the glands, causing few secretion of hormones or altering the chemical composition of the same ones, since one could have verified that the sugar affects the correlation of minerals in the organism. Finally, recent studies link to the sugar with problems in the immunological system, as it is denounced by the doctor Nancy Appleton in Lick the sugar habit:
One of the seemingly inoffensive substances and nevertheless one of that major problems creates on having attacked our immunological system is the sugar. The macrophages remain obstructed in the sugar and his action is disabled. The mission of the macrophages consists of destroying, of blocking and activating the immunity when they detect the presence of a toxin, a virus or a bacterium … Whenever we consume sugar, though it is so small as two spoonfuls, the proportions of minerals enter in desbalance. This desbalance in turn, in already sick persons, can last hours and sometimes already they do not recover. When the minerals of the body are in desbalance day after day, year after year, possibly for generations, the skill of the body to return to his homeostasis is exhausted. The body already cannot return to his harmony or balance … Turns out to be so incredible that the authorities of the Department of Public Health of different Nations continue supporting to the public in the total ignorance. More than has been obtained by it is to force to indicating in the etiquette of the industrial products if they contain sugar, thing that appears practically in 90 % of the same ones since even the salty products are preserved in sugar!
Potential of dependence
Considerably high. The dependence is of psychological and physical type. His syndrome of abstinence experiences even after several weeks of credit descontinuado totally the use of sugar and food that contain it. His symptoms include depression, fatigue, edginess, anxiety for eating sweet food, lack of concentration, allergies and hypertension. In extreme degree the dependence to the sugar appears as hypoglycemia, in whose case a privation of sweet food can drive to fatal assaults.
What to do in case of emergency?
In a crisis of hypoglycemia, one presents a sudden fall of blood glucose that causes sweat, quake, anxiety, tachycardia, headache, sensation of hunger, weakness, convulsions and in extreme cases, convulsions and death. The individual who presents a crisis of this type must consume in an immediate way glucose or food that contain sufficient sugar to restore the levels.
Legal current regime
The sugar is the psychoactive legal one of use irrestricto that takes place and is sold by tons, already be in form pure or incorporated into an enormous quantity of nourishing and pharmaceutical products.
The evolution of the consumption of sugar
Throughout last two centuries, no eatable one it has experienced a quantitative growth so accelerated as the sugar. In 1800, the annual world production was placing in less than 250,000 tons, number that rose up to reaching 10 million tons in 1900. In order century the production is calculated in 92 millions. The consumption for person and year has been increasing principally in the countries industrialized of America and Europe.
The sugar and the slavery
In William Dufty's opinion, no other product has influenced so deeply the history of the western world as the sugar. In his book Sugar Blues narrates the appearance of the sugar refined in the international markets and his consequences. To it it attributes different historical events of big economic repercussions, beginning for a resurrection of the Crusades. Dufty presents an extract of a letter sent in 1306 to the Pope Clemente V, where one urges him to follow a strategy to conquer the Arabic with help of the sweet: " In the country of the sultan the sugar grows in big quantities and of this one the sultans obtain big income and taxes. If the Christians could be done by these lands, it would be done very much I damage the sultan and at the same time the Christianity would be totally supplied from Cyprus ". Before twisted information of this type, the christianity bites the forbidden fruit and they begin seven centuries of his reign in the land. The British historian Noel Deer, for example, assures that on having counted the history of the slavery, it is not exaggerated to calculate that they traded 20 million Africans and two third parts of them were paid by sugar.
In 1444 the Portuguese take 235 black slaves of Lagos Seville, where they sell as slaves. Ten years later the Pope blesses the slaves' traffic and from then, these are in use for making grow the plantations of sugar cane in Madeira and the Canary Isles. The holadeses appear in this history about the year 1500, date in which they construct the first refinery of sugar in Antwerp. The sugar cane in brute embarks from Lisbon, the Canary Isles, Brazil, Spain and the Ivory Coast to be tried in Antwerp. The sugar is exported to the Baltic one, Germany and England.
For 1560, Carlos V releases the resplendent palaces of Madrid and Toledo constructed with the taxes of the trade of the sugar. For these dates, the British wreath begins to be done of the monopoly installing foremen in the islands that it has conquered in the Carib and taking charge of the slaves' traffic towards them to cultivate sugar cane. Such it is the case of the current Jamaica.
With the juice fermented of the sugar cane in crude oil, the slaves invent the rum, which the Britishers do not hesitate to commercialize to obtain any more slaves. Also they introduce it to his North American colonies, where they are in the habit of giving it to the Indians in exchange for valued skins that then sell in Europe. About the year 1660 the trade of sugar and rum has turned so profitable that the english men are ready to tackle the war to support his control. The minutes of navigation have as goal anticipate the transport of sugar, tobacco or any other product of the colonies of North America to any other port out of England, Ireland or British possessions.
The end of the slavery and the beginning of the industrialization of the sugar
In the middle of the 18th century, when France has placed already in the first rows of the trade of sugar and this one represents his principal source of exports, the philosopher Claude Adrien Helvetius writes: " a barrel of sugar does not come to France without spots of blood. Before the misery of these slaves, every person with feelings should resign these goods and refuse to the pleasure that provides something that only it is possible to buy with the tears and deaths of unfortunate creatures. " In 1812, Benjamin Delessert finds the way of trying the beet to turn her into sugar and receives Honor's Legion of Napoleon's hands, who arranges the plantation of sugar beets throughout of France, where one was not giving the culture of cane, but yes that of beet. Only one year later Napoleon reaches the prowess of producing 4 million kilos of sugar of French beet. Hereby, the Frenchmen are the first ones in being able to do without the slaves to obtain the valued sugar and elegantly they promote the abolition of the slavery. The British East Indian Company - already fullly put into the trade of the opium - exploits the topic of the slavery as campaign of propaganda doing in his barrels. " Sugar of the East Indies not cultivated by slaves ". In 1833 there is proclaimed the emancipation of the British colonies and this means that the slavery turns illegally except in " the land of the freedom ", the emergent United States of America.
The British sugar-basins of Barbados and Jamaica fall down in the ruin and a triad of inventions at the beginning of the 19th century prepare the scene for the great entry of The United States in the business of the sugar: James Watt perfects his steam engine, Figuier completes a method to do coal with animal bone and Howard makes the pot of pressure. With these elements he receives life the sugar white refined commercial that is in use nowadays. On the abolition of the slavery having delivered a judgment finally in his lands, the United States begin to practise his own economic wholesale colonialism in Cuba. The best Cuban land is used to provide raw material to North America for his complicated refineries.
According to account Dufty, the Americans exceeded the Britishers and virtually to all other nations in the holiday of the sugar. They have consumed a fifth part of the world production of sugar from his Civil war. It is known also that in 1920, in the epoch of the experiment of prohibiting the alcohol in The United States, the quantity of sugar that was consumed had doubled. This emphasizes his evident character of drug and of substitute of other drugs in certain sectors of the population.
It is for it that across war and peace, depression and prosperity, droughts and floods, the consumption of sugar has grown firmly in the whole globe. " It is not possible that there has been a more drastic challenge for the human body in the whole history of the man, and nevertheless ever, continues being so that one speaks about the nocividad of the sugar. And it is not because many people do not know it, but because the commercial interest is enormous for the sugar. "
The appearance of new diseases thanks to the sugar
The doctor Robert Boesler writes in 1912: " The modern manufacture of the sugar has brought his his totally new diseases: scurvy, diabetes, hipoglicemia, hyperactivity and schizophrenia. The sugar that sells is not anything any more than a crystallized concentrated acid. As former the sugar it was so expensive that only the rich ones could allow him his use, was consisting, from the point of view of the national economy, something inconsistent. But today, when due to his low cost, the sugar has caused a human degeneracy, it is the moment to insist on a general clarification. "
In 1929 the doctor Frederick Banting, discoverer of the insulin, assures that his discovery is the simple palliative one, not one recovers, and that the only way of anticipating the diabetes is cutting the use of the sugar: " In the United States, the incident of diabetes has increased proportionally with the consumption per capita of sugar. With the warming and recrystallization of the natural sugar of cane, something remains upset turning to the products refined in dangerous food. "
Dufty affirms that the difference between the "costly" diseases like the cancer and the "barters" like the provoked ones for the addiction to the sugar is crucial for the financial health of the medical estate. " The current orthodox treatment for the cancer is criminalmente expensivly. The financial ruin of the patient and of his family they represent the yacht of the doctor. The treatment for the sugar blues (hipoglicemia or diabetes) is an offer of individual court. Part you with the sugar refined in all his forms and good-bye you count to the doctor and hospital. It is difficult that in this case the doctor could give the covered one with mink to the woman or to be present at a seminar under the Sun of the Bermudas. "
The behavior of the hyperactive children opposite to the sugar and the medical manipulation
To this drug one has linked him with the negative behavior of the children from the decade of 1920. The idea of the cause and effect relationship began to gain acceptance in the seventies, when several studies and articles suggested that the sugar was increasing the hyperactivity in the children already of for yes hyperactive.
In agreement with the different studies analyzed by the doctor Nancy Appleton, the clinical investigation of hyperactive and psychotic children, and of others with cerebral injuries and incompetence to learn, has as picture sintomatológico: " a family which record of diabetes is abnormally high; an unusual incident of elevation of blood glucose or hipoglicemia functional in the same children, indicating that his systems cannot try the sugar and a dependence for a high level of sugar in the diets of the own children who cannot assimilate. "
Nevertheless, this one and other similar reports have been rejected by medical publications as The New England Journal of Medicine, for whom " the connection has not been proved ". Worried because " at present, nevertheless, many parents treat to the connection sugar - behavior as a fact ", an equipment of institutional doctors gave itself to the task of returning to check the existing studies to effect a global analysis. The medical publication exposed that " the new one puts analysis tried to go beyond the results of small studies locating them in a major group in order that the least obvious effects were exposed to the light. " It is supposed that the varied studies evaluated the effect of the sugar in numerous factors, including state of mind, academic performance, skills of learning, aggression and general behavior. What actually happened with this examination is a clear sample of the manipulation that can suffer a scientific study to obtain the results that in advance try to be reached when there are economic interests of for way.
It turns out that the investigators based his comparative studies only on two groups of children, to one sugar was given and to other one, instead of depriving it of the above mentioned drug and of the food that contain it, there was given he endulzantes artificial; this way so, the examinations were effected between children that there consumed sugar and children who consumed endulzantes artificial; it is to say between two groups of children with upset levels of glucose due to one or drugs other one and not since it have should to have been: between one or two groups of children using sugar and / or endulzantes artificial and another group of children deprived of the consumption of both classes of drugs.
Due to these diversions in the investigation, the meta medical analysis concluded triunfalmente that " Apart from two extreme observations that turned out to be insignificant for the final analysis, they did not find differences between the children who consumed dose of sugar and those that took endulzantes artificial. " Or that the only thing that really proves the report is that there are no substantial differences between using sugar and using endulzantes artificial. Nevertheless, down the manipulative and dishonest title of " The sugar does not affect the behavior of the children ", the results of the report were published and widely spread worldwide during the year of 1996. The final recommendation of the report is that " the sugar does not have negative effects in the behavior and the learning of the majority of the children and justification does not exist to withdraw the sweet food from them only for this reason. "
The effects of the sugar in the energetic human field and the system of chakras
Donna Cunningham had several years working as specializing therapist addictions when it entered in touch with Andrew Ramer, a healer and canalizador with whom he collaborated to write two books: The spiritual dimensions of healing addictions and Further dimensions of healing addictions.
In the first book they support that in general, the human beings we fall in the addiction when we lose of sight or do not want to realize our "vision", or: " our skill of perceiving and taking part in the most wide reality, retaining a recollection, though it is weak, of our Top Being and of the tasks and intentions of our life ".
In the second book they explain with clarity how there were in use former the different psychoactive ones, which they are called " tools of power ", to recover and to support our vision; and since it is that, on having lost this knowledge, nowadays we abuse the same tools and to destroy ourselves with them instead of using them in our benefit.
In Further dimensions of healing addictions, between other many interesting things, explain to us which are the effects that have the principal addictive substances on the energetic human field, concretly on the system of chakras.
In case of the sugar, Danna and Andrew start by noticing:
Some of the things that we say later will be difficult to happen because those who abuse the sugar it does not like to consider to be to yes same as addicted. [...] The sugar IS A DRUG, probably do not alter your conscience of an obvious and immediate way as the alcohol or the tablets, but it produces changes in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual condition of the user. And as any other addiction, it is devastating in these four levels.
It is in the nature of all the addicts to deny that they have an addiction. And also it it is to appear towards other addicts and to say " My problem is not so serious as this ". Specially the addicts to the sugar suffer from this form of denial, partly because in our culture the power of the sugar is underestimated greatly as drug. The announcements push us to consume it, the giant nourishing corporations push us to consume it and the social situations push us also. The sugar has turned into the major pollutant of our eaten ones. On the other hand, the denial comes from the fact itself from that the sugar affects the solar plexus, the seat of the auto estimates. And of giving gone out for the car resultant hatred, the addicts to the sugar compromise themselves in looking out of them for the addiction. Mantén an opened mind brings over of this. Part of this will remain registered and will be employed at your top conscience, it does not matter cuan vehementemente reject it to level conciente.
Former, according to the authors, the consumption of sweet things, as the rest of the food, was subject to the availability that the changes of stations were allowing:
Before we did not have desserts every day. As the alcohol, his use was limited to special occasions, days off, holidays and celebrations. There were tribal and familiar celebrations that were hardening the bows of the groups. For many cultures, the only occasions in which sweet things were consumed it was in the matrimonial celebrations, and this unconscious recollection still can be influencing our tendency to the sugar when we have an addiction provoked by previous deficiencies in the chakra of the heart. [...] it is not important if so delicious it could be, the corporal paces of assimilation of the sweet food, they have been so upset as those of rest and work, and already we do not communicate with our bodies to see what they need. [...]
When we are children and fall ill they programme us saying to us " He Eats - this will give you forces ", though surely the fasting us would go better in such situations. Then we are programmed from the childhood to see to the food as a source of power, and between more forces we believe nececitar to fulfill our vision, more we eat looking for this force. The fuel of our bodies is the glucose, our primary one and more direct tool of power. This way it is that the abuse of sugar, which is narrowly tied to the glucose, is partially it brings over of fuel, and our eaten ones every time contain less energy due to the whole processing. We confuse food with energy and eat when we feel drenados. Even the commercial ones make see to the sugar as an instantaneous source of energy. If the energy and the food were the same thing, between more we were eating, more energy we would have. But instead of it, to be exceeded eating reason a collapse of energy in the whole body. The tried food has lost his energy, his force of life, and nosoros still we have the expectation of which the food contains it.
With regard to the effects of the sugar on the energetic system, they say to us that.
The primary addiction of the addicts to the sugar is to the love. The general collapse of our cardiac chakras, owes to our form of life in which the alienation and the loss of values, it means that many of us we experience very little love in our daily lives. A reason of the confusion between the sugar and the love is that the sugar causes a flow of blood to the area cardiac, and this makes us believe, to level incosnciente, that this chakra is nourished. [...] Ultimadamente, which the sugar does is to debilitate the walls of the heart and the blood glasses creating a such tolerance that we need more and more sugar to obtain the same rush. [...] The hurt done in the chakra of the heart reverberates strongly on the chakra of the solar plexus. The obstruction of this center drives to feelings cars I hate. Additional, when the energy of the heart is bloqueda, the person does not feel dear, and the problems of the solar plexus transladas to it: " There must be anything bad in me if nobody loves me. "
The sugar also has a powerful effect in the first chakra, since it pulls the energy of him to take her above and to produce the rush of energy in the heart. [...] The obstructions and the breaks of the first chakra can predispose to problems of increase of weight or of alcoholism.