The global crisis of the land
Imbalance of the consumption of primary energy: The fourth part(report) of the population consumes 75 % of the energy in the world.
At the end of the 20th century: fossil Fuels there were providing 75 % of the world energy, 20 % for renewable energies and 5 % for nuclear power.
More than 80 % of the emaciated energy comes from limited sources(fountains): Not renewable what he(she) leads to the depletion of reservations(reserves) and supposes a royal(real) danger for the environment The world consumption of energy 2050 will be of billion GJ Consequences of the generation and consumption of traditional energies
Global warming of the land: Greenhouse effect
Acidificación of the hydrological cycle (acid rain) Destruction of the cap of ozone Pollution of the air, water and of the soil Reforestation Loss of the biodiversity environmental Crisis and major poverty
The climatic change in our planet
Acid rains Rainfalls in the shape of rain, snow or fog that contains an excess of acids due to the atmospheric pollution Sympathetic(Keen) on diverse ecosystems, dissolves heavy metals, contaminating rivers, buildings, etc.
Global warming of the land
The global everage temperature of the terrestrial surface has increased of 0.4 ºC to 0.8ºC from last century, and in the decade of the 90 they were given the six hottest years of the whole period and if they continue the emission(issues), the global everage temperature will be from 1.2 to 3.5ºC major that the current one about the year 2080 provoking a terrestrial warming.
Consequences of the Greenhouse effect:
The principal effect of the gases greenhouse is the emission(issue) of the CO2 which concentration has increased in 32 % from the industrial revolution.
Raise of the sea (2080 will increase approximately 40 cm of global average) 81 million persons will live in zones of risk of floods and anegamiento.
The increase of temperature together with the alteration of the regime(diet) of rains and the salinización of aquiferous woods nearest to the bark for saline intrusion will provoke shortage of water and the decrease of the wealth of the rivers.
Loss of biodiveridad Loss of the stratospheric ozone.
Major evapotranspiración of the plants(floors), needing more waters down, the food reservation(reserve) will meet affected since the cultivable zones will move towards high latitudes, causing hunger.
The increase of the temperature and rains they expand tropical diseases, as the malaria.
Deterioration of the ozone cap
The chlorfluorocarbons (CFC), bifenilos, polychlorinated and pesticides organoclorados, are stable to the heat, chemically inert(passive) and remain several years.
The problem is that they do not degrade in the troposfera, if not that spread in the stratosphere, and then they decompose for photochemical reaction, producing atomic chlorine, which is combined by the ozone reducing the protective cap of the atmosphere against the fearsome ultraviolet beams from the Sun.
Kyoto protocol
Agreement on climatic change supported by the UNO inside the Convention Marco de las Naciones Unid on the Climatic Change (CMNUCC) signed by industrialized countries. The principal aim(lens) is the climatic change of origin diminishes antropogénico whose(which) base is the greenhouse effect by means of the reduction of emission(issues) of six provocative gases of global warming (carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), besides three industrial gases fluorados: hidrofluorocarbonos (HFC), perfluorocarbonos (PFC) and hexafluoruro of sulphur (SF6))In an approximate percentage of 5 %, within the period that goes from the year 2008 to(on) 2012, in comparison to the emission(issues) a year 1990. The European Union has compromised itself in reducing his(her,your) emission(issues) in 8 %, Germany in 15 % and between(among) the developing countries Argentina has offered to reduce his(her,your) emission(issues) in 25 %.
Ways of reducing emission(issues)
Using cleaner sources of energy With emission(issues) of alternative fuels as the GLP or the natural gas.
Efficient architecture.
Renewable energies.
Implementing programs of reforestation and afforestation Implementing programs of energetic efficiency in the generation of energy, transport and uses of the productive sectors and services.
Principal measures proposed worldwide to achieve aims(lenses) of reduction greenhouse gases for 2050:
INDUSTRIES: To reduce 50 % consumption of electricity and fuels.
TRANSPORT: 30 % Consumes fewer cars, 50 % the planes, 75 % fewer ships that now.
RESIDENTIAL: Refrigeradoras: 15 % of the current consumption, TV: 25 %, lights: 20 % less.
BUILDING CONSUMPTION: 150 kWh/m2 year current to 30 kWh/m2 year.
The Sustainable Development
" To guarantee that the needs of the present satisfy, without putting in danger the capacity of future generations to satisfy theirs "
The energy is a way to favor the development sustentable, is a quality of life and environment
Measures towards an energetic sustainable system
To reduce emission(issues) of CO2 to the half until the year 2050.
To reduce the use of fossil fuels in a factor of 4: 25 % of the current consumption.
Opening of the energetic market to head offices(plants) that produce electricity from Renewable Energies. (ER) To establish electrical tariff, for suppliers of energy from ER.
Obligatiry nature to produce a part of the energy from renewable sources(fountains).
Adjustment of prices: Internalización of social and environmental costs, elimination of subsidies to fossil fuels (CF) To standardize the rational use of energy (URE) To establish advantages for investors in URE and ER.
Fiscal reforms for support to ER's use and to displace the energies of CF.
Professional and technical Training in the area.
Sensitization to consumers, producers and legislators in the URE and the ER.