The caffeine is not only in the coffee, but in some teas, in the chocolate, in the nuez of kola and in other food derived from them, by what later there is included a brief synthesis of the origin of the principal sources.
The coffee-tree comes from Ethiopia, the origin of the tea seems to be in China and that of the cocoa in areas very restricted of America.
The legend on the discovery of the coffee comes from Arabia: Kaldi the shepherd observed that after having eaten the cherries of the coffee-tree, his goats were romping with more vigor that of custom, they seemed to be more active, more releases. Kaldi also proved the fruits of the plant and immediately the euphoria impeded it, put to dance and that night he slept less than of custom. Kaldi shared his find with one of his neighbors, a fervent follower of the Koran. This one obtained the same results and received of Mohammed the secret to prepare coffee from the dry grains of the fruit.
The legend on the origin of the tea comes from the Japan: Daruma, founder of the Zen Buddhism, was in the habit of going on the nights delivered to the fasting and the prayer. Certain night it could not resist the dream and when it woke up, there was so troublesome and disappointed of yes same that started the eyelids and threw them to the soil. Immediately it sprouted of them the shrub of tea which leaves have allowed to the monks to preserve the spirit free for the meditation from that one at the time.
The consumption of the chocolate arose in the pre-Hispanic Mexico: To donate to someone a cup of xocoatl on a bun covered with skin of jaguar was seen as sample of the highest respect. Aztecs, Maya, mixtecas and zapotecas were offering to his gentlemen this drink done based on cocoa, sweetened with honey and aromatized with vanilla. The good drinkers had make beat habitually the chocolate and take it while the foam was preserving.
At present, even those who do not practise the meditation take tea, Mohammed's secret it has stopped being and the Mexicans not only we teach to the world to drink chocolate, but the technologies themselves of his preparation. The consumers of the leaves of tea, the brown grains of the cocoa and the coffee-tree, count each other for million.
The caffeine is in the coffee, in the chocolate, in certain teas and in several medicines as the Cafeaspirina and the Saridon.
The caffeine was isolated in 1820. It is the principal alkaloid of the Caffea typical plant of the coffee and of the Cacahuatl or cocoa of whose grains elaborates the chocolate.
With regard to the tea there is in the habit of being a confusion because in 1827, on his active beginning having been isolated, it received the name of teína. Years later a molecular analysis allowed to discover that the teína was actually a caffeine. This alkaloid also is present in the Argentine mate and in the nuez of kola used to prepare the drinks of tail
Mechanism of action and forms of employment
The caffeine is consumed in multiple food and drinks. In therapeutic uses it can manage the affairs in oral form or in intravenous injection. It is a stimulant of the nervous central system that acts after 5 minutes of his ingestion increasing the cerebral activity and reducing the wake.
Therapeutic uses
The caffeine sells under diverse commercial brands (Cafeaspirina, Saridón) recommended to offset the fatigue, to treat the migraine and some other types of migraine. In conjunction with analgesics it does that these work better. By his aptitude to stimulate the breathing also it is recommended in the treatment of the apnea in the newborn children and as antidote for the respiratory depression in heroine's overdose and other psychoactive opiates.
A cup of coffee can contain between 60 and 110 mg of caffeine, a cup of tea between 10 and 90 mg, one of chocolate between 5 and 40 mg and the drinks of tail 35 mg. A bar of chocolate of 50 grams has between 10 and 60 mg of caffeine. The pills of therapeutic use contain between 30 and 65 mg, whereas on the black market they are in the habit of circulating so called " you graze to be kept awake " that manage to have between 100 and 200 mg. The lethal dose of caffeine is of 5,000 mg, the equivalent one to 40 cups loaded with coffee consumed in an excessively short period of time.
Psychological and physiological effects
The director of school, which name remains in the anonymity, reports them following:
On having got up in the morning I take two cups of coffee. If I do not take them I feel irritable. If I take three cups I get excited rather, but two cups are exactly what I need.
If I take coffee after three o'clock in the afternoon, I cannot sleep at the hour that I like to do it, about half after eleven. If I take a coffee after having dinner, though it is a half a cup, I remain awake the half of the night. If I have something important the following day, especially some appearance publicly, a coffee taken at the end of the day combines invariably with my edginess and produces an over-excited insomnia to me.
This insomnia after the coffee seems to me to be pharmacological. I can reach certain degree of dream and experimental it is a " floating condition " - that in me precedes in general the dream-, but then I remain there, never reach the total unconsciousness of the dream... When I know that it waits for a long section of driving by road, I do not drink coffee for two or three previous days. Throughout the night of the trip I drink coffee two times. If I have been taking a lot of coffee during the previous days, it would die that I sit less the stimulant effect of the night coffee. It is an almost a question of "saving" in the coffee that it had consumed in two or three previous days, to take it during the night that I have to lead. Used hereby, the coffee has been always a great help for me and has never trumped me. (11)
To consume between 75 and 150 mg of caffeine there raises the temperature, the respiratory pace and the level of gastric acid in the stomach. Higher quantities in the blood torrent can produce anxiety, irritability, insomnia, perspiration, tachycardia and up to diarrhea.
The long use of more 650 mg diaries of caffeine, equivalent to eight or nine cups of coffee a day can cause gastric sores, I increase in the permanent level of the cholesterol, chronic insomnia, anxiety and depression. This type of consumption also seems to be associated with cardiac dysfunctions and the appearance of certain types of cancer associated with the tars of the coffee.
Genetic malformations have not been detected due to his use, nevertheless it is known that the coffee can diminish the probability of pregnancy, to increase the irrigation of the spontaneous abortion and of babies with low weight.
Potential of dependence and tolerance
By means of the constant use a slight tolerance can be acquired to the caffeine. This drug provokes physical dependence. In the medical literature there is recorded that doses bigger than the 350 mg daily of caffeine consumed for one month can provoke the appearance of a syndrome of abstinence, for what in therapeutic uses the doctors recommend to reduce gradually the consumption. The syndrome demonstrates for irritation, weariness, depression and drowsiness. It is not serious and disappears in a few days.
For Antonio Escohotado, the habit of drinking several cups of coffee a day cannot be innocuous or at least it cannot be more harmful for the mind and the body that his equivalent one to manage the affairs in cocaine or amphetamine. " Ten cups a day, for example, represent one gram and a half of caffeine, which in effect stimulant they are equivalent to 150 mg of cocaine and to approximately 15 of metanfetamina. " (6)
What it does not clarify is that these ten cups of coffee must be consumed in a very brief space of time to reach the blood necessary concentrations to produce the same effect that psychoactive others mentioned.
Fatal intoxicaciones with caffeine are rare. Big doses, specially when they are consumed by not accustomed or sensitive subjects, can produce headaches, tachycardia, convulsions and eventually deliriums. A crisis near to the lethal dose must be considered to be a medical urgency since it has manifestations similar to those of a diabetic deprived of insulin that cause high places levels of sugar in the blood.
Legal current regime
The caffeine is the psychoactive legal one without any restriction on the age of the consumer. Of free sale still in the prepared therapeutic ones that do not need medical recipe for his purchase.
The coffee like subversive scene in Europe
Though in his beginnings the habit of taking coffee was condemned for the Islamic orthodoxy, later it managed to considered to be something providentially to pray without falling down in drowsiness and as an excellent substitute of the alcoholic drinks.
In Europe he found a strong opposition on having penetrated in some Protestant countries like Germany, Austria and Switzerland, nations that punished the trade and consumption of the coffee with fines. The apex in this fight against " a new shamelessness " her reached the Russian empire. His authorities punished the possession of coffee with atrocious tortures up to obtaining the name of the supplier and with the loss of both ears. Thanks to such repressive measures, hundreds of Russians chose for the poisoning cafeínica as subversive manifestation.
Nevertheless, to the passage of time all the prohibitions finished being repealed in Europe and from the second half of the 17th century, the coffee happened to turn in synonymous of intellectual drink thanks to the establishment of multiple trades that were offering public spaces to consume it in all the big cities.
The first coffee that was opened in France dates back of 1670. Five years later one of the personnel inaugurated his own business: the Coffee Procope, which would turn into historical scene of the illustration. As Brau documents in his History of the drugs: " The idea of the Encyclopedia is born in the coffee Procope of a conversation between D'Alembert and Diderot assembled concerning a cup of coffee, which tendería to proving that, even being a poison, clarifies the mind. ' Very slow poison ', was affirming Fontanelle, almost centenary, assiduous parishioner the Procope and very fond of the coffee. "
The effects of the caffeine in the energetic human field and the system of chakras
Donna Cunningham had several years working as specializing therapist addictions when it entered in touch with Andrew Ramer, a healer and canalizador with whom he collaborated to write two books: The spiritual dimensions of healing addictions and Further dimensions of healing addictions.
In the first book they support that in general, the human beings we fall in the addiction when we lose of sight or do not want to realize our "vision", or: " our skill of perceiving and taking part in the most wide reality, retaining a recollection, though it is weak, of our Top Being and of the tasks and intentions of our life ".
In the second book they explain with clarity how there were in use former the different psychoactive ones, which they are called " tools of power ", to recover and to support our vision; and since it is that, on having lost this knowledge, nowadays we abuse the same tools and to destroy ourselves with them instead of using them in our benefit.
In Further dimensions of healing addictions, between other many interesting things, explain to us which are the effects that have the principal addictive substances on the energetic human field, concretly on the system of chakras.
In case of the caffeine, Danna and Andrew assure that it produces effects essentially in the third chakra, across which this tool of power connects the sextro chrakra with the first one. It is because of it that, " used good, the coffee is a tool to generate visionary work and simultaneously sustentable, when connect the energies of the third eye and of the chakra root in the solar plexus ". As they count:
When our ancestors were nomadic or when they were effecting his work in house, when they were rural or craftsmen, it was easier to do this connection of a natural way. As the age of exploration and later the industrialization separated the place of work of the place of housing, this tool became more popular.
It is because of it that does not seem to them that it is an accident that the coffee has become popular globally at the same time as the imperialism was spread all over the world:
Many classes of work that the people carry out nowadays are great more plaintiffs and retadoras of what the work was in the past, and cause more doubts on one itself. [...] The chakra most affected by the caffeine is the solar plexus, the seat of the ego or the sense of the being. The corporate employment is much more wrapped in the administration and in be relating to different levels of authority that the preponderantly physical labors of before. The rests to take coffee give the sensation of expanding the power, but this is only a temporary effect. [...] Whereas initially it stimulates these three chakras in a positive way, eventually the sobreestimula and causes that they are closed. And it starts one drinking more hoping that these energies wake up again, which certainly will never happen hereby. To stop taking it, first you need to clean and to strengthen your third chakra regularly.
To energetic level, the tea affects the conscience of a different way, according to the authors:
While the coffee supports the world of the work and us energetiza to integrate the vision in the place of work, the tea has the opposite effect. It tends to traverse a veil between the vision and the work. It encourages us to the contemplation separated from the action, affecting the same chakras but in a different way. Everything what we need to understand this is to compare the differences between one " coffe brake " and a ceremony of tea, a ritual which effect already is not cultivated by our society. Many of us we take tea, but already not as a tool of power, but as a simple stimulant...
If the refreshments of tail and the coffee us rest on the work, and the tea helps us disconnect of him, " the chocolate uses as a recompenza to the work, and as a substitute for the alternative of work that our culture difficultly allows us - the love ". In fact, it is known that " a chemist found in the chocolate is one of the same ones that our brain produces when we are inspired love ".
In case of the chocolate, since in that of the refreshments of tail, it is very difficult to say what so much treats himself about an addiction to the caffeine and what so much is an addiction to the sugar. This way it is that it is turns out to be advisable to consult also the information about the effects of the sugar in the energetic human field.
In short, Danna and Andrew say to us that " the coffee is a tool to liberate energy of work ", nevertheless, when one abuses him, it produces the opposite effect since " it is not a nourishing product and his introduction repeated in the digestive tract is a violation of the territorial integrity of our organs ". The infrequent use, on the other hand, " can help us to stimulate the body in order that it works with efficiency and can help us to demonstrate our visions due to the effect that has on the energetic human field ".
To leave an addiction the authors recommend that at par of asisitir to psychological therapies already they are personal or grupales and of surrendering to a treatment of physical detoxification under medical supervision, in case ésto is necessary, also it is advisable to practise alternative technologies to revert the hurts caused by the abuse of the different substances in the energetic human field. For it they offer us in his second book an excellent series of exercises of visualization, as well as remedies of aromoterapia and gemoterapia specifics for every to repair the hurts provoked by each of the different substances. Additional, certain graphs canalized by Andrew are included to reschedule the biocomputadoras that are our brains.
As they affirm: " The habits, the addictions are printed inside our cerebral circuits of the same way in which the circuits of a computer are programmed. To interrupt a habit, you need to erase and to reschedule the circuit ", and for it they serve the different graphs canalized for every type of drug.